Long Time, No See
“When Rune Hunters isn’t on screen, people should be asking, ‘Where’s Rune Hunters?'”
-Old Internet Saying
Hey folks, long time no see.
I realize it has been quite a while since I have made new Rune Hunters pages or even updated you about the comic. First off, I’m terribly sorry. I should have provided more timely updates and let you know what has been going on with the comic.
I know I said I was only going to take a short sabbatical from the comic, which has ballooned into a couple year hiatus with no real word from me. Once again, I’m sorry for that and I hope to have the comic back to being updated regularly early in the new year. Look forward to great new adventures for Asura, Ada and all of their friends (and enemies).
That being said, what happened? Where did I go? Where did Rune Hunters go? Well, a few things happened in my life the last couple of years that took an effect on my creative output. People who follow me on deviantArt know that it didn’t completely dry up, but it has been less than in years prior.
- The initial reason for my time off was because, after 5 years straight working on the comic, I needed a bit of a break. My initial plan during that time was to finally try my hand on some video game development. I wanted to at least get a prototype game made. That sort of worked out for me early on, as I learned a bit. But unfortunately I don’t really have anything to show for myself. It turns out that when I don’t have a weekly deadline set for my hobbyist projects, I don’t stay as motivated as I would like. I ended up enjoying not having responsibilities in my spare time, and that made working on my personal projects difficult. Now I’m hungry again for creative work, and want to get back to something I know people enjoyed.
- On a more personal note, my dad passed away early last year. It has been rough time for me and the rest of my family, and it is something we have been dealing with in the time since. In addition to helping my mom out with the grieving process, my wife, my brother and I helped her with various projects that popped up in the wake of my dad’s passing. All of this has kept me very busy, but enough time has passed for healing and dealing. I feel better and ready to get back to work.
- Finally, other social events, travel and life events constantly popped up throughout last year that required a lot of my time and energy. Things have mostly settled down now and I should be able to focus a lot more of my attention on getting the Rune Hunters story back on track.
So there you have. Sorry if this post has been a bit ramble-y. It’s just been a whirlwind last couple of years. I hope you all understand and I hope I can make this happen up to you in the coming year. I will get back to more frequent updates, posting here as well as to my Twitter and Facebook pages.