Last Side Comic
In case you missed my last update, today marks the last side comic for a while. New Rune Hunters will start again next Sunday, so don’t despair.
In case you missed my last update, today marks the last side comic for a while. New Rune Hunters will start again next Sunday, so don’t despair.
Yeah I know, it has been a longer break than usual this time. What with the holiday season and all, I’ve needed to take a break from the main Rune Hunters comic and just relax a bit. Like Batman, I’ve also needed time to prepare. That, and play lots of Red Dead Redemption.
But fear not, dear readers, new Rune Hunters comics will be coming soon. My sabbatical will be coming to an end after next Sunday’s side comic, at which point a new storyline about Asura should start appearing. In the meantime, enjoy some other artwork I’ve done recently. They are all available after the jump.
Hey Rune Readers, once again another chapter comes to a close, which means another short break filled with other, non-Rune related comics. The next chapter once again stars Asura, and I am really looking forward to it. I anticipate the chapter being a bit longer than usual, and will go a ways towards bridging the gap between Ada and Asura’s disparate storyline. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy some fun side comics while I get the main course prepared.
I would also like to hear from you, the reader, about how you feel Rune Hunters is going. We’re over 2 years and 100 pages into the comic (I know, I’m slow), and I just wanted to get a general sense of where people are at with the storyline. Who’s your favorite character? What do you like or dislike about the comic? Does the comic just need a dash more action/humor/drama/fanservice? I want to know, so don’t leave me hanging.