Another Fanart
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted one. Go, take a look!
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted one. Go, take a look!
I know, I’m a little late on posting my impressions PAX 2010. Those of you that follow the podcast on our sister site, have probably already gotten an idea of what I liked there. Still, I figured a little written reflection wouldn’t hurt. That, and it would be nice to take a break from writing about schoolgirl witches and warriors.
So PAX Prime, the video gaming pride and joy of the northwest, is a convention I’ve been attending for some time now. Hosted by the folks at Penny-Arcade, PAX is a weekend long getaway in which to get engrossed in gaming and geek culture. The main attraction is the ever enlarging Expo Hall, where a good chunk of the games industry goes to show off there latest and greatest games. There’s demos aplenty and swag galore. It really is a mini E3…well, mini may not be the best way to describe it. It is quite large in it’s own right.
Yeah, I know I said I’d get those PAX impressions written up. They are still coming, I was just more worn out from the convention then expected. To make up for it, please enjoy some recent artwork I’ve posted over on my deviantArt account.